Saturday, November 12, 2005

Miscellaneous Ramblings

Did anyone see the Oregon State-Stanford game tonight? Did Stanford bring their own ref with them. Most of the calls I agree with, but for a while there, the calls were very questionable at the least. Oregon State is penalized for roughing the kicker and roughing the passer, with no injuries inflicted. However, when Stanford does the same thing to Oregon State, and actually injures the QB enough to bench him for the rest of the game (and possibly season), there is no penalty called. What's up with that. Next week is the Civil War game between Oregon and Oregon State. The Beavers need the win.

Another gripe: "studies" that suggest violent behavior is linked to rap/rock music and violent video games. In case people haven't heard, the government just released a study and juvenile crime is down about 30%. So, if crime is down, how do you explain the "fact" that video games are making menaces of the youth? Perhaps crime is down because people have an outlet for their anger and frustration. I know I feel better after toasting some Nazi's in Medal of Honor. At any rate, video games do not equal crime.

For all you math geeks, or anyone who has taken integral calculus, write the expression: the integral of e to the x is equal to f of the quantity u to the n. Now take a look at what it spells. I know, it's a bit immature, but it's still funny.

If you haven't seen The Backyardigans on Nick Jr. You should check it out, especially if you have children, are a child, or have child-like tendencies. The characters are CGI animals: Pablo, Tyrone, Austin, Uniqua, and Tasha. They have a great time make-believing they are pirates, ghosts, yeti-hunters, cowboys, etc. They sing fun, catchy songs that coordinate with the show.

Why must religion be such a divisive thing? Hell, it seems that religion is more divisive than politics. I think everyone needs to learn a little tolerance. I grew up in a Christian church and my interest declined sometime after high school. I still like non-denominational Christianity. It is a very romantic experience. Perhaps many religions are like this and I romanticize it above others because I know it best. Just because I like it does not mean I believe in it though. Most religions, despite their differences, subscribe to the same basic tenets. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity have similar histories, and all have incorporated the worship practices and cultures of those around them. People can deny this all they want, but the truth is there. I will use a few Christian concepts as an example.

Christians originally worshipped on Saturday. When Rome was Christianized by Constantine, who was not a believer at that time BTW, the worship of the sun was dominant. That is where Sunday is derived from. The worship of the sun was done on his day. His symbol was the cross of light. In order to push another religion onto pagans, it is best to incorporate their own customs into the new religion. So these new Christianized pagans began worshipping on Sunday. They continued to use the cross as a religious icon, but now it was supposed to be a symbol of Jesus the Christ death on a cross. Additionally, Easter was originally a celebration of the rebirth of nature in the spring. In order to keep people happy, the Christian (Catholic) church kept the holiday, but it was now to be a celebration of the Christ's return from the dead (rather than nature's). Additionally, Jesus' birth had been celebrated in January (and still is by the orthodox church). However, these pagans had a huge celebration December 25th, the celebration of the winter solstice...when the days grew longer (read: the sun god began his return to dominance). In order to Christianize the solstice, Christ's birthday was moved back a couple weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I think religion is great. It gives many people the strength they need to carry on in this life. For others, it gives them the power to regain control of their lives. Because it has led to good for many people, I cannot be against it. Besides that, there is no way to know whether there is truth in religion or not. If you haven't figured out yet, I am agnostic.

If you have been led to believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, then you should check out the Skeptic's Annotated Bible. Additionally, the have links for the Quran and the Book of Mormon. Don't be afraid to question things. It will either point out fallicies in your beliefs, or it will reaffirm your beliefs. I wouldn't dream of telling you what to believe. I just want to make sure you have all the information to make an educated decision.

Well, I think that's enough for one night. My daughter is still awake and will likely not sleep until I am away from this screen. Talk to you later.


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