Friday, July 06, 2007


I spend most of time blogging on MySpace, but thought I'd add a post here to make sure this blog stays active. I mostly blog about politics and religion. The older I get, the more open-minded I get. Of course, this means that I am more opinionated than ever as well, but I love to hear comments from both sides. So check out my other blog (just click the title of this post) and let me know what you think. Thanks.

Monday, November 06, 2006

A Life Lost, An Angel Gained

It's been about 32 hours now since Sean died. He recently discovered that he had a brain tumor and went in for surgery to have it removed. He commented that, "This proves them wrong. I do have a brain." His wife, 16 year old daughter, and 4 year old daughter watched as he passed away. If ever there was an example of unfairness in this world, here it is.

People can talk all they want about a fair, just, and loving God. But that's all it is...just talk. Some people will say that God just wanted Sean with Him. Bullshit. If that's the cases, then God is a selfish SOB. He has a daughter who said she didn't want her daddy to be dead and asked if he would be alive again tomorrow. He has a 16 year old daughter who loves him more than anything in this world. He has always been her rock.

A great man has departed us, and humanity is less for it. His wife said of him, "My hubby is Sean, he treats me like a queen, and [no one] has ever made me feel as happy as he does. He's one of the most caring, passionate, and yet still somehow "manly" [men]."

That's the Sean I knew. I don't pretend to have known him really well. He was an acquaintance though, and his daughter is like family to my wife and me. I still here his voice in my head. He was passionate about life and I hope that his family can continue his passion. Below is a picture of Sean with his youngest daughter. Though not his biological daughter, he was still her daddy. I am also enclosing a poem that I wrote upon learning of the imminence of his departure. Sean, if you can see this, you will be greatly missed by everyone whose life was touched (even in the smallest way) by you.

A Father's Love
-Dedicated to Patricia and Alicia-
02 Nov 2006

No matter where we go in life
One fact still remains
A father's love will touch us
And we'll never be the same

When we question things in life
He gives us words to ponder
He is always there for us
To guide us when we wander

He will always catch us
If we should ever stumble
He'll be there to rescue us
When our lives begins to crumble

The thing about a father's love
Is that it never ends
Even when he's gone
From Heaven it extends

It's okay to mourn his loss
Because he is well-loved
But remember he is still
Watching from above

He'll be there in times of need
Whispering in the wind
And when you are feeling pain
He'll be there listening

A father's heart has no limit
To the amount of love it gives
It will envelop you
When you are plaintive

A father's love isn't bound
By the constraints of this world
For it reaches from the Heavens
When it is unfurled

Patricia and Alicia
Sean's love is without equal
This is not the end
But the beginning of the sequel

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Interesting Correlation

These two maps were recently brought to my attention, so I thought I'd share them with you. By the way, I very rarely post on here anymore, usually only to upload files for use on MySpace. If you want to catch my currently updated blog, check out's with two underscores). Thanks.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Make Sure You Vote

Election time is quickly approaching. I won't tell you to vote for the Democrats, but I will ask you not to vote for the Republicans. :-) Honestly, vote how you want, it's your right and duty.

Rock the Vote

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

test again

test again

Anyone still there?

I'm not sure if anyone reads this anymore or not since I rarely post. I just registered for Fall classes today. I will only have 14 credits...yippee! I am taking ENGR 111 (Statics) which will cover the analysis of forces induced in structures and machines by various types of loading; ENGR 201 (Electrical Fundamentals I) which will cover analysis of linear circuits, circuit laws and theorems, DC and sinusoidal responses of circuits, and operational amplifier characteristics and applications; PH 212 (General Physics with Calculus) which covers mechanics, wave motion, thermal physics, electromagnetism, and optics; and CS 261 (Data Structures) which covers complexity analysis, approximation methods, trees and graphs, file processing binary search trees, hashing, and storage management.

Well, I have 3 midterms tomorrow, so I am going to go for now so I can make out a notecard for one class and study for the other two. Talk to you later.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

September 11th---controversy and humanity

I would hate to be called what I have called so many others, but if you must, call me a conspiracy theorist. I was happy with the government's version of 9/11 until I happened across a video that a friend told me about. It is quite an eye opener. Even if you don't agree with all that is in the video, you should still watch it. You will be challenged in your thinking and will learn some important information. You can view the video at:

9/11 Controversy

I would be remiss in not reminding people of the senseless tragedies that occurred on that day in 2001. Take 4 minutes out of your day and watch the video at the following link. It will surely touch your heart, especially if you have children:

Daddy, I miss you

Saturday, May 06, 2006

test page

This is just a test page for some myspace wallpapers.