Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Anyone still there?

I'm not sure if anyone reads this anymore or not since I rarely post. I just registered for Fall classes today. I will only have 14 credits...yippee! I am taking ENGR 111 (Statics) which will cover the analysis of forces induced in structures and machines by various types of loading; ENGR 201 (Electrical Fundamentals I) which will cover analysis of linear circuits, circuit laws and theorems, DC and sinusoidal responses of circuits, and operational amplifier characteristics and applications; PH 212 (General Physics with Calculus) which covers mechanics, wave motion, thermal physics, electromagnetism, and optics; and CS 261 (Data Structures) which covers complexity analysis, approximation methods, trees and graphs, file processing binary search trees, hashing, and storage management.

Well, I have 3 midterms tomorrow, so I am going to go for now so I can make out a notecard for one class and study for the other two. Talk to you later.


Blogger rosemania said...

I will keep on reading if you stop posting dizzy pix...


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