Tuesday, May 23, 2006

test again

test again

Anyone still there?

I'm not sure if anyone reads this anymore or not since I rarely post. I just registered for Fall classes today. I will only have 14 credits...yippee! I am taking ENGR 111 (Statics) which will cover the analysis of forces induced in structures and machines by various types of loading; ENGR 201 (Electrical Fundamentals I) which will cover analysis of linear circuits, circuit laws and theorems, DC and sinusoidal responses of circuits, and operational amplifier characteristics and applications; PH 212 (General Physics with Calculus) which covers mechanics, wave motion, thermal physics, electromagnetism, and optics; and CS 261 (Data Structures) which covers complexity analysis, approximation methods, trees and graphs, file processing binary search trees, hashing, and storage management.

Well, I have 3 midterms tomorrow, so I am going to go for now so I can make out a notecard for one class and study for the other two. Talk to you later.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

September 11th---controversy and humanity

I would hate to be called what I have called so many others, but if you must, call me a conspiracy theorist. I was happy with the government's version of 9/11 until I happened across a video that a friend told me about. It is quite an eye opener. Even if you don't agree with all that is in the video, you should still watch it. You will be challenged in your thinking and will learn some important information. You can view the video at:

9/11 Controversy

I would be remiss in not reminding people of the senseless tragedies that occurred on that day in 2001. Take 4 minutes out of your day and watch the video at the following link. It will surely touch your heart, especially if you have children:

Daddy, I miss you

Saturday, May 06, 2006

test page

This is just a test page for some myspace wallpapers.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Alas, I have done it

I broke down and started a place on myspace. I didn't want to, but I have been able to find people I haven't talked to in years because there are over 7 million users. Anyhow, my spot is located at http://myspace.com/travis__james if you want to check it out. I will warn you, music will start to play when the page loads. My music selection changes quite often, so you may want to turn down the speakers because it may be loud and it may be something you don't like. :-) Following is a picture I found online. It is quite insensitive, but that never stops us from telling jokes, so her it is: