Monday, November 14, 2005

Burning DVDs and Undercooking Dinner

Do you ever wonder who writes the instructions on microwavable dinners? They never seem to be quite right, no matter what microwave I use. Either you overcook your food or it is undercooked. I had a Hungry Man dinner tonight. I cooked it according to the directions and steam was rising from my chicken and cheddar potatoes. I poured some ketchup in the tray and began eating. The chicken wasn't even close to being warm, unless you live in the arctic, but then, you probably wouldn't be eating chicken, would you? All microwave are different. I suppose it would be like writing directions on how to burn DVDs using Linux, even though people have all different operating systems. The directions will be accurate for some, and not for others. Why not say, "remove the chicken from the tray and nuke the potatoes until they feel hot. Throw the chicken back in and nuke until they burn the skin off your fingers?" At least those directions would be more helpful. Also, how can they write that a serving size is half the package? Who eats half a TV dinner and saves the rest for another night? It's a little deceitful when you see "900-some" calories and it's for half your dinner.

I have some questions about laughter. First, why do we find it funny when people sound like a chipmunk? Second, has anyone actually heard a chipmunk talk like a chipmunk? Finally, why is laughter so infectious? You don't even have to know how the laughter originated. Hearing someone else laughing uncontrollably will eventually rub off on you. For instance, I saw a video clip from a talk show recently. It wasn't even in English, but I was able to discern that it was a serious topic. This man and women were very sad and talking about some traumatic experience such as the less of a child. The interviewer, or host, began laughing and could not control himself. I had no idea what was going on, but after a minute or so, I found myself engulfed in laughter. The only thing that ended my gut-rolling was the ending of the video clip.

Well, I suppose that's all the wisdom I have to dispense and all the questions I have for now.


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