Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Burning the 5AM Oil

Last night was supposed to be a long night of sleeping, especially since I got very little sleep Sunday night. However, my roommates and I decided to go to the rec center to play basketball and racquetball. It was fun, but I definitely need to exercise more because I was feeling every bit of my almost 29 years. Anyway, we left around midnight and went back to the apartment. We started playing poker. The longer we played, the more we talked, until we were only talking and no longer playing. We talked about life in our respective countries, religion, politics, and eventually were just telling jokes. Actually, they were telling jokes since I have a superhuman gift for forgetting every joke I've ever heard. When we looked at the clock, it was 5am...are you seeing a pattern here? It seems that when we hang out, we don't sleep. Two of us had class at 9am, so there was no way we were going to be able to sleep and get up in time, so we stayed awake. However, we kept dozing off in our class. I had no other classes for the day, so I ate something and went to sleep around 11am and slept until 5pm. Then I got up and ate dinner and worked on homework. I am getting my second wind...which I need to extinguish soon because I have lab at 8am. I have very little to say tonight because I am tired, and because I slept half the day and thus have fewer experiences and houghts to share. Have a great day and I'll be back tomorrow.


Blogger rosemania said...

Sorry man we won't make you play poker with us until 5AM next time. How about say 6AM?


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