Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Windows Sucks Ass

Not that I didn't hate Windows already, but here is just another example of why. I have an external hard drive connected via USB. Sometimes when I go to stop the device, I am told to try later. Indexing is disabled and nothing that I can see is accessing the drive. In addition to this, I have notice another item worth mentioning. In previous versions of Windows, you would occasionally receive a message telling you that Windows had performed a fatal exception or some similar message. Now it's just, "an error has occurred." It's not Microsoft's fault. It simply "occurred," nothing actually "performed" this exception, it just happened.

By the way, Sony sucks too. If you haven't heard about all the trouble Sony is in, you sould look at any technical news site, such as or just google "Sony DRM" or "Sony rootkit" and prepare to be apalled. Gotta thank Sony for compromising millions of computers. Last I heard, they had 3 lawsuits against them. I hope they get sued for all they're worth.

Finals are coming up soon. As long as I can get a C on my biology final, I'll be okay in that class. Engineering is no problem. I have an A with no test to take. Vector Calculus is a different story though. The final determines my grade in the class. I failed both midterms. The first had a lot to do with my struggle with my CS class before I finally dropped it so I could focus on my other classes. The second midterm I failed because I didn't have enough time to finish. For our final, we have twice the time, so hopefully the final isn't twice as long. Our instructor drops our lowest test grade, so the final is my chance to redeem myself. However, I will likely need a B on the final in order to get a C in the course, which I need. Well, that's it for now.


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