Friday, January 27, 2006

Midterms are coming, midterms are coming

The picture is of Russell Peters, one of the funniest comedians I have ever heard. He lives in Canada and is Indian (that is Indian, not Native American).

This weekend the storms are raging here in Oregon...high winds and a lot of rain. Even our cell phone service has been going in and out.

Tomorrow I get to paint the floor in our business. It's an annual ritual and I would feel lost if I was not a part of the process.

I have gotten a bit of work done on my Tekbot. My charger board is complete and I am currently working on an extra credit project, getting an LED read-out to indicate the battery level I have left. The LED I will be using is similar to a clock radio. Each digit is displayed by a combination of 7 LEDs. Anyhow, when I get a bit more done on that project, I will post a picture of it.

Well, I forgot to bring the AC adaptor home with me this weekend, so my time on the laptop is very limited. It is still Friday night and I have less than 2-1/2 hours left on the battery, so I will go for now.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Math Sucks

Math pretty much sucks. One math class is taught by a nice doctor from Poland. I'm sure it will be challenging, but she seems to have a sense of humor and enjoys mathematics. The other math teacher, for whom we are required to purchase the above described book, I kindly refer to as "Nazi Santa," due to his attitude toward the students and his rotundness. Java programming will be much easier this term and our recitations will be hands on programming in the computer lab, much better than last term's boring lectures which left you wondering what you supposedly learned. Engineering will be some work, but should be enoyable as well because we get our Tekbots in our first lab and get to begin building and personalizing our robots. That's all I have for now. I'm going to head to bed so I can get some sleep before class.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I still have internet

With MLK Day approaching I thought this might be an appropriate picture to post. I'd also like to thank Ashley for having the ability to name her wireless network after herself, but not the sense to secure it. Since my house is temporarily without internet service, she is kindly within the range of my apparently good network card and is sharing her bandwidth with me.

Class starts at 10am with Diff EQs, followed by two hours of downtime, and then an hour of Discrete Math (should I have even written that?--it's not very discrete anymore) and an hour of Java programming. I am heading to bed.

It was hard leaving my wife and daughter again after having spent a whole month at home, but I get to see them on the weekend, and the sooner Iget school over with, the sooner we can all be together permanently. My wife is currently an OSU student as well, taking online classes. She is taking the final science class she needs in order to earn her AA degree.

Well, as stated previously, I am headed to bed. Have a great night and I will fill you in on my exciting activities later. Ciao.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm Back...almost.

Since coming home for the holidays, I have taken up a new hobby. While vacationing in Sunriver with my in-laws, I learned to play No Limit Texas Hold'em. I now play online, but I only gamble with play money. I lose real money, but win play money, so play is where I'll stay. Hey, that's a rhyme. Wish I could do it every time. Actually, that would get quite boring; then everyone would end up snoring.

Classes start up on Monday, so I am headed back to Corvallis Sunday (technically today) to get settled in. It was great spending a month with my wife and daughter, yet I am anxious to tackle another term and get that much closer to graduating. I'm just not sure how anxious I am to take two math classes. My programming class will be bad enough. Oh well. THat's about it for now.