Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm Back...almost.

Since coming home for the holidays, I have taken up a new hobby. While vacationing in Sunriver with my in-laws, I learned to play No Limit Texas Hold'em. I now play online, but I only gamble with play money. I lose real money, but win play money, so play is where I'll stay. Hey, that's a rhyme. Wish I could do it every time. Actually, that would get quite boring; then everyone would end up snoring.

Classes start up on Monday, so I am headed back to Corvallis Sunday (technically today) to get settled in. It was great spending a month with my wife and daughter, yet I am anxious to tackle another term and get that much closer to graduating. I'm just not sure how anxious I am to take two math classes. My programming class will be bad enough. Oh well. THat's about it for now.


Blogger rosemania said...

Go tackle them tiger!!!


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