Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Final Grades

This is the craziest receipt I've ever see. Obviously, these comments were never meant to be seen by the customer.

I received my final grades. First, I have only seen A, B, C, D, and F on a college transcript. I have never seen pluses or minuses, until this term. I got my expected A in Engineering. I got a C+ in Biology, and I scraped by with a C- in Vector Calculus. Though, not that great, my term GPA was 2.54. Christmas is quickly approaching. Most of our shopping is complete. I am still awaiting the confirmation that my brother's gift has been sent. I placed the order 3 days ago and have not been able to contact the company regarding whether or not my order was being processed. Most of my shopping was done online, with the exception of stocking stuffers. They are so small and inexpensive that the shipping will kill you. Well, I am watching Christmas movies with my daughter (and playing Dora the Explorer Cand Land, so I'll go for now. Until next time...

This is the craziest Blockbuster I've ever seen. I bet they had no idea their comments would print on the receipt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Russel Peters Rules!!!

Blogger rosemania said...

Happy holidays! Say hello to your wife and your daughter:) Hope to see you right soon.


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