Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Daughter

Keeping with my latest tradition, here as an ad for Windows XP with firewall. It should only take a minute to get the picture. If you still don't get it, then XP with firewall is probably perfect for you.

I just had my last midterm today. Only two more weeks in this term. Then it'll be a short week of spring break and back to school again. The nice thing will be getting to spend a week with my wife and daughter. My daughter is almost four now and she is so much fun to be with at this age. She is absorbing everything like a sponge and loves learning. This past weekend she asked me the name of my town. I told her Corvallis, and she repeated, "Cordallis." I told her she was close but it was "CorVallis." Then I could hear her in the back seat of the car saying, "Corvallis" over and over. She is beginning to learn to play checkers. It's a challenge explaining that her pieces can only go on one color. She has discovered The Threee Billy Goats Gruff, a book I grew up with. She starts reciting parts of the book before I can get to them and we both end up laughing.

My wife may enroll her in preschool soon. She loves learning, so it only makes sense to get her into a loosely structured learning environment for part of the day. Since it's a small town, there are limited spaces, so we are hoping she can get in. Well, I suppose that's enough for now. Have a wonderful day.


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