Thursday, March 09, 2006

Another Midterm Down the Crapper

For those who are interested, this is what we are doing in math right now (although this exact image is from a course taught elsewhere). I got my midterm II back in math today. I fared better than my first midterm, but still bombed. On the first one, I got a 28.3%. On this one I got a 51.7%. How's that for improvement?? The thing that sucks is that I have to get a C- in this class to pass, and all we are graded on is our midterms and final (plus a tiny bit from recitation quizzes). I am looking at a miracle if I want to pass. Granted, part of the problem is my understanding. However, part of it is also due to the damn Honor students taking this class who are jacking up the curve. Damn them! Oh well. I am not one to worry much, I just hope I don't get to retake this course another term...or perhaps I! If I can pass and be done with it, I will be happy. Gotta run...have school and all.


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