Friday, March 17, 2006

Dead Week or Dead Weak?

Sorry if the pictures aren't great, I took them in low light with a camera phone. This is my Tekbot, which I am working on for school. Right now, it just consists of the charger board, analog control board, sensor board, and motor control board. Currently, it is just a Bump Bot: if it hits an obstacle, it reverses turns and goes forward again. I have the part to add IR sensor so it will reverse before actually hitting objects, but I have not programmed the IC yet. Perhaps next term.

It is Friday of dead week. Is it dead week because you don't do much, or is it dead week because you are dead tired from the term? Next week I have finals (2 on Tuesday and 2 on Thursday. Since I have no class on Monday (just a help session for Applied Differential Equations in the afternoon), I don't have to leave at 5:00am to get back to Corvallis. Well, I am going to start packing up for the weekend and grab some food. Adios.


Blogger rosemania said...

The safety of the yellow house is counting on your RoboCop. You mustn't fail.


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