Thursday, April 20, 2006

Happy Easter / Birthday

This past weekend was my daughter's 4th birthday. My wife and I took her to see the Wiggles in concert at the Rose Garden in Portland. For those who have never heard of them, you can find info about them by googling "Wiggles." Anyway, they are middle-aged men from Australia with backgrounds in music and degrees in Early Childhood Education / Development. They are very entertaining, and I have never seen a bigger smile on my daughter's face. There was a lot of singing and dancing, and a couple of the guys came out into the crowd, walking inches from us. Their songs are very catchy, the characters are very colorful and entertaining, and the whole show was educational. If you have younger children you, should really check them out. They even have a show on the Disney Channel, as well as plenty of DVD's and CD's. The weekend ended with my daughter saying, "This is a great birthday!"

School is going okay. I am keeping busy with homework, labs, recitation assignments, and some studying. Computer programming is probably the most time- and thought-intensive class I have. That's not to say the others are any easier...just less intense.

It is getting late and I really should get some sleep so I am awake for my recitations and labs. Have a wonderful weekend...I'm sure I will.


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